
 Treatment Issues are defined as those internal problems which we deem to be central factors in drug and alcohol addictions. We have found that they were the primary causes of our drug and alcohol relapses, the cycle of criminal behavior and incarceration that many of us have experienced, and the destruction of the quality of lives. We have discovered that no matter how hard we tried to build good lives for ourselves without working on these underlying treatment issues, our lives inevitably fell apart. We believe that these treatment issues are based in our emotional reactions to the real world. As we work together to uncover, explore, and honestly deal with our commonly held treatment issues we find that we move towards our stated goal of treatment ... which is recovery.

Here are some examples of the treatment issues we work on together to over come:

 Problems with Frustration and Discomfort related to Delays in Gratification  

 Low Self-Esteem, Low Self Respect and Self Pity    

 Difficulty in Coping with Feelings

 Poor Impulse Control and Problems with Authority   

Fear, Worry, Insecurity and Anxiety    

Unrealistic Views, Ideas and Beliefs

Problems Setting Boundaries and Priorities   

Complacency, Boredom, Isolation and Loneliness

 Problems with Honor, Pride, Integrity and Feeling Accepted 

Shortcuts, Half-measures, Procrastination and Time Management
 Phase Schedule: If you have finished all of your written treatment issues and have completed the time required in your current program phase you can request to Phase Up. You will have to submit a written request to the community on the day you wish to Phase Up. The community will ask you questions and make its recommendation to the counseling staff as to whether or not it feels you are ready to Phase Up. The staff will let you know its decision. You will need to fill out a travel pass and get it signed by staff any time you are away from the program.

Blackout:The Blackout Phase last 2 weeks. There are no passes allowed except for serious emergencies, doctor/ medical appointments, probation/ court appointments.

First Phase: First Phase last 2 weeks. You can have a single one hour pass each day. The pass must be signed by a counselor and given to your House Manager. A resident from either 3rd or 4th Phase must accompany you on your pass. No pass will be allowed after 4:30 p.m. except for serious emergencies. Passes will be granted only for the times between or after groups. Curfew is at 4:30 p.m.

Second Phase:Second Phase last one month. You can have 2 hour pass each day. You can look for work, put in job applications, ect., but you cannot work in Second Phase unless you have counselor approval. Passes must be signed by a counselor and given to your House Manager. A resident from 3rd or 4th Phase must accompany you on your pass, unless you have counselor approval. Outside support is allowed, but only after the individual has been screened by staff and found to be appropriate support.

Third Phase:Third Phase lasts for one month. You can go to work or go to school full time. You can have one 3 hour pass each day. Passes must be signed by you counselor and given to your House Manager. You can be on your pass without an escort. No pass will be allowed past the 8:00 p.m. curfew. You can miss dinner to go on a pass, but a meal will not be saved for you unless your pass is for an emergency or you are returning late from work. You can be away from the program either Friday or Saturday night, one time only, during Third Phase.

Fourth Phase: Fourth Phase applies to participants who are required to complete a longer program. You can have one 4 hour pass each day. You can be employed or go to school full time. You can be away from the program either Friday or Saturday night. The curfew for Fourth Phase is 8:00 p.m.

Support: Support persons are to stay with residents for the length of their pass and until they return to the program. They are to support the resident to the destination specified on their pass and nowhere else without prior permission.